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It all started when…

I stumbled into my first yoga class in 2010. At the time, I felt disoriented and out of control of my body and life. I left the class feeling taller, stronger, and more peaceful than I had in years, and from that day forward, I was hooked on asana - the physical aspect of yoga. As my practice evolved, I discovered that there was infinitely more to yoga than what happens on the mat, and went on to complete my 200-Hr Yoga Teacher Training from Yoga District in Washington, D.C. With a continued interest in my own healing journey, I attended The George Washington University where I received a Master's in Art Therapy & Mental Health Counseling. I am currently working towards independent Licensure as an Art Therapist and Clinical Professional Counselor in Marlyand, Virgnia, and the District of Columbia. I have worked in a variety of therapeutic settings with clients of diverse backgrounds and identities, and have developed a harmonious integration of my two identities as a yogi and art therapist within my work as a mental health professional.